I can't believe it's almost July and July 4th. Holy Cow! Jiminy Crickets and a bag of chips riding a bicycle through a field of flowers! Where does the time go? I know I'm not alone in saying, "as you get older, time slips through your fingers", but I've got good news, it doesn't have to.

Research has shown that one of the best ways to slow down time is
to be productive and get sh#@ done. We've been through a lot in the past few years. Covid was such a time suck and wow the regrets are many, but it's time to dig in and knock your to-do list down a few notches.
So, why not come into The Muse Rooms for a Free Trial and start slowing down the clock.
We offer our 3 Hour Free Trials Mon-Friday 9am-6pm. We work by appointment only, but it's easy to get an appointment just click the link https://www.themuserooms.com/free-trial-day-tour or you may call (818) 823-4717 for more info, oh and for everyone's safety vaccinations are required.

Stay tuned for our "Owner's Birthday Sale" COMING SOON!!!
More importantly enjoy the 4th! Have a hotdog or veggie dog or pet a dog, you deserve it, couldn't we all do with a little something that makes us smile.

And to everyone.......Happy 4th of JULY!